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  • Writer's pictureruinousfools

Episode 1: What is your Victor, Vector?

As we begin the adventures into space, we see our intrepid adventurers becoming acquainted with their new starship, The Seraphim. The Seraphim, a small freighter, has plenty of room for our six adventurers and their gear to live comfortably while traveling through space. But you as how did our intrepid adventurers come to find themselves together on The Seraphim. Well, that is a bit of an interesting tale.

The Seraphim is the acquired prize of Nuti and Drake, who took her in their escape from the Veskarium. When looking through all the compartments and space of the ship, Nuti came across an android who was fast asleep in a corner. Once powering on the android, Philip-7 met Nuti and Drake. The three of them made their way to Absalom Station to find supplies and well, a crew.

Once they docked at Absalom Station, the intrepid trio set out to find themselves a crew, and maybe a few friends, to help pilot and run their ship, The Seraphim. Now seeing as Nuti and Drake “borrowed” The Seraphim, they were lacking a few critical items, err people. One was a pilot who could navigate even the tightest asteroid fields and come away with only a minor ding. However, that type of pilot was expensive to hire. So, Nuti, Drake and Philip-7 found themselves searching the holo-boards to find a pilot they could afford. After a bit of searching, one advert caught their attention.

"Looking for a pilot to get you around?"

"Then Look no Further."

Absalom Penitentiary Pilot Program

Visit the nearest Police Station for details!

This seemed like the best way to get a pilot and save some of the precious credits that they had in their possession after “borrowing” The Seraphim.

As the little purple creature stood next to a very tall, muscular reptilian figure combing through the holo-boards, a tall, hooded figure watched the creature with the utmost curiosity. The figure watched for a few minutes before almost gliding across the busting commons area outside of the docking station. As the figure approached, they noticed that the little fuzzy creature was also with a tall almost human male looking figure with whom it was talking to rather excitedly.

In the moment before removing her hood to introduce herself, Fatima heard the little fuzzy purple creature exclaim, “PERFECT!”

“What is perfect little one?”, she asks while approaching Nuti and removing her hood.

At this point, Drake, Philip-7 and Nuti all lay their fingers upon their weapons as if to attack the figure before them. For you see, our intrepid trio have never seen a Kish. The Kish are rumored to be a long forgotten ancient race that has somehow resurfaced after the Dead Suns incident. Once the trio realizes Fatima is there looking for a ship to join as she explores the universe, they all agree to head towards the police station to collect their pilot.

Arriving at the police station Fatima offers to go in and collect the pilot from the Absalom Station Penitentiary Pilot Program. Before entering the station, Fatima pulls her hood up to cover her face, as she noticed others looking at her rather oddly. Once inside she heads to the appropriate desk to ask for the release of one Jason “Bones” Callahan. Bones, as he prefers to be called, is tall human male who has an affectionate spot for a nice sniper rifle and hiding in plain sight. In conjunction to his marksman skills, Bones is extremely skilled in the art of spacecraft maneuverability and space combat.

While Fatima was inside retrieving Bones, Nuti, Drake and Philip-7 scoured the holo-boards near the police station looking for work. After looking through several of the help wanted sections Nuti spotted what looked to be a simple deliver supplies and make quick credits mission. The mission was from the Abadar Corp and sponsored by Madelon Kesi. Once Fatima and Bones joined them, the group headed off for Abadar Corp to see Madelon Kesi to get the details on the job.

At Abadar Corp the group met with Madelon Kesi, a male Lashunta. Standing in Kesi’s office as a rather strange looking creature. Nuti being a curious little skitter walked over to the strange creature and introduced himself is classics skittermander fashion, with much excitement and curiosity. You see Skittermander absolutely love making Nu-Friends as they call new individuals that they meet.

The creature in Mr. Kesi’s office looked very much like something of a child’s storybook. The creature has green scales covering their body with a fish-like head and a special suite that allows them to breath the water in their bubble over their head. The creature introduces themselves as Iokua. Iokua informs the curious little creature that they are referred to as a Kalo.

Once introductions were finished, Mr. Kesi informs the group that he needs their assistance in delivering supplies to Madelon’s Landing on Nakondis. The group takes it over and agrees that delivering supplies seemed like a simple job that should not cause too many problems. Mr. Kesi gives them the location of the supplies they will need to deliver and bids them a good day.

After gathering the supplies Mr. Kesi needs delivered and the supplies they will need for their trip, our intrepid adventurers leave Absalom Station and head off into space towards Nakondis. During the course of the trip things go relatively smooth for our adventurers. Sure Nuti was threatened by Drake or Bones if he did not relax and find some place to leave everyone alone. Fatima took her time to become familiar with the ship and her new life away from home. She even took the time to learn about her new friends, especially the Kalo names Iokua.

Shortly before reaching Nakondis, The Seraphim encountered a few Azlanti space drones. According Mr. Kesi this was supposed to be a smooth trip. He never said anything about the Azlanti or anything being in the way. Luckily our adventurers got lucky when they acquired Bones as their pilot.

After a few stress filled minutes and some fancy piloting, Bones managed to maneuver The Seraphim around so the rest of the crew could make quick work of the Azlanti drones. Unfortunately during the drone encounter, The Seraphim was heavily damaged and forced to crash land on the surface of the nearest plant. Luckily the planet the Seraphim crashed down on was the planet that the supplies needed to be delivered. The surface of Nakondis where the party landed is covered in thick jungle like vegetation and is humid and sticky. (For reference, think the jungles of Vietnam or the Amazon.)

Shortly after landing and setting of to search for Madelon’s Landing, our adventurer’s ran into a human male running from a small group of Azlanti guards. Nuti was very quick to ask his Nu-Friend all about why he was being chased by the guards. The Nu-Friend has just a few moments to introduce himself as Jellik Fulson and he had escaped from the compound a short distance away that the Azlanti had taken over and forced the inhabitants to do their bidding. If someone disobeyed the Azlanti’s orders they were punished.

As three guards came into the small clearing Bones, Nuti and Fatima hid on one side of the clearing while Drake went around to the south the engage the guards in melee combat while Iokua hid in the foliage along the eastern side of the clearing. Philip-7 went northward to near Nuti, Fatima and Bones. The six adventurers quickly and not so quietly dispatched three Azlanti guards and kept their new friend, Jellik Fulson safe.

While everyone was treating wounds and resting up, Drake, the male Vesk soldier, commemorated his kills be consuming the hearts of his enemies. Fatima took the time to gather more information from Jellik, who was rather edgy around her as he had never seen anyone or anything that looked like Fatima. When Philip-7 went through the guards weapons he found a fancy rifle that he took for himself to tinker with later.

Now that Jellik’s life was not in danger, he took the time to explain in detail what was actually going on at Madelon’s Landing. He explained that the Azlanti have moved in and taken over the Landing while pretty much enslaving the inhabitants. Jellik went on to explain that one of those inhabitants was he ex-wife, Aibretta Fulson. He went on to explain if they were going to sneak. Into the Landing the best place was next to the junk yard, which was ran by Aibretta.

After discussing things it was decided, our adventurers were going to escort Jellik back to the Landing and see what the Azlanti were doing there and why they just had to be there if the first place.

This is where we will leave you until next week. When we will pick up our adventure and see what our intrepid adventurers find as they continue into the jungle and make their way towards Madelon’s Landing and reducing the landing from the Azlanti’s hold.

We are the Ruinous Fools and we thank you for join us on our adventure through Against the Aeon Throne, a Starfinder Adventure Path.

Signing off,

The Fools

(Aaron, Alex, Christine, Brandon, Marshall, Shrimp & Rick)

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