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  • Writer's pictureruinousfools

Welcome One and All

Updated: Jan 20, 2021

Greetings and salutations. Please allow me to set the stage for you as our journey begins. The Ruinous Fools are about to embark on a quest to play through Against the Aeon Throne. Our beloved Fools will begin with level one Starfinder characters of their own creation. So, let me introduce the cast of characters to you.

At the helm of our adventure is our wonderfully creative and seasoned Game Master (GM), Aaron. Aaron will be running each session as the storyteller and making sure each player character (PC), gets their moment in the spotlight. Aaron has played and been a GM of Dungeons and Dragons, Starfinder, Vampire the Masquerade and Call of Cthulhu to name a few.

Along with our beloved GM we are joined by six players who will be the PCs for this adventure. Each PC is the brainchild of six highly creative individual who will be bringing these characters to life for you to follow along. Some of them you will grow to love, others you may grow to dislike or even hate.

Our first PC is voiced and created by Alex. Alex will be brining to life a little male purple skittermander named Nuti. The little skitkermander is schooled in the ways of the Mystic. Nuti can move objects with his mind as well as enter the mind of others. (Yes, sort of like Jean Grey.) He can also use his mystic abilities to heal wounds. Now I am sure some of you are wondering, what is a skittermander. Well, a skittermander, or skitter, is a six armed, roughly three-foot tall, furry creature that looks like the cousin of Stitch from Lilo and Stitch.

Our second PC is voiced and created by Christine. Christine has created Fatima, the female Kish Witch warper. Witch warpers can bend reality and merge realms for brief moments of time. Now, Kish are a relatively new addition to the Starfinder world and first appear in the Dead Suns adventure path. The Kish are an ancient society that was long forgotten until recently. Fatima is a Kish how is just now getting the change to explore the universe around her.

Our third PC is voiced and created by Coastie. Coastie brings to life Jason “Bones” Callahan, a male human soldier. Bones joins the crew by order of the court instead of serving jail time for a brawl. Bones as he prefers to be called favors his sniper riffle and ability to hide in almost plan sight at times. He desires the ability to eventually hide in plan sight and take out his target effortlessly.

Our fourth PC is voiced and created by TriggerMW. TriggerMW’s brainchild goes by the name Drake von Gerk. Drake is male Vesk Soldier. The Vesk are a larger medium sized creature that resemble lizard folk. Drake has a slight affection for human flesh after he completes a kill. He favors a large hammer when he is engaged in melee combat.

Our fifth PC is voiced and created by Rick Shea. Rick has created a male Android Mechanic that is referred to as Philip – 7. When describing Philip – 7 the best description is Data from Star Trek: Next Generation. Philip’s name comes from exactly that, a Philips screw drive. The name is very fitting of the crew’s android as he has the skill set to craft, repair, and maintain all the gadgets and gismos that crew has and will eventually acquire.

Our sixth PC is voiced and created by Shrimp Toast. Shrimp brings to life the mysterious Iokua, a Kalo Operative. Iokua is from the world where the Kalo primarily live waters. They look like the creature from the Shape of Water. As an Operative, Iokua has an affection for their Needler Pistol and Syringe Stick to deliver toxins and poisons.

Here you have the intrepid crew who will be navigating the story, Against the Aeon Throne, which starts on Tuesday, January 6, 2021. As the story beings what wonders, excitements and Nu-Friend, sorry new friends, await the Ruinous Fools.

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